At the Pastoral Council meetings in both Foxrock and Newtownpark parishes we've been discussing Baptism preparation. Priests' often gets frustrated when they feel that parents presenting Children for Baptism have little or no intention to practice their faith. We sometimes get asked: Do you do private Baptisms Father'? Baptism is the first of the 3...

I can hardly believe that I was installed in Newtown Park and Foxrock Parishes 4 months ago!! And therefore, I'm giving super-advance notice of a training session to take place in Newtownpark Church on 13th Feb next year, it's ONLY 3 months away.

Weekly physiotherapist led balance classes for Falls Prevention on Thursday mornings in the Murray Centre at 9.30 or 10.45. Class is 1 hour duration. Please contact Sarah from 'Ready Steady'' on 0851771160 to enrol or for more information