



On behalf of Fr Philip, Fr Dermot, Fr Bill and Fr Tony. and the pastoral council we wish you all a Happy New Year 2025 (the year of Great Jubilee) As Declared by Pope Francis and the theme is Pilgrims of Hope 

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The Octave for Christian Unity takes place each year on the above dates. It's a wonderful opportunity to consider how the main Christian Church's agree and differ. A different Christian Community prepares resources and suggests the format of an ecumenical Prayer service.

I can hardly believe that I was installed in Newtown Park and Foxrock Parishes 4 months ago!! And therefore, I'm giving super-advance notice of a training session to take place in Newtownpark Church on 13th Feb next year, it's ONLY 3 months away.


"If you judge people you have no time to love them."- Mother Teresa


"(...) let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are." - St. John Paul II

TAP n Go

During Covid 19, lots of dreadful things happened! I think we're all still a bit traumatized. But it is worth looking at the many good things that happened. Think of the Herculean work done in communities across the Country. Many people got to know their neighbours, many people took up hobbies that they could do at home or in the garden.

Many parishes got Webcams. I had a plan to do it in my previous Parish, but it was put on the Long finger! I thought it might be a good idea too to get a donate button/icon on the Parish Website. Thanks to Covid, we got both, and they are going strong.

The Diocese had to do something when there were NO public masses, thus there were NO collections for the Support of Priests and Share. Tap n Go arrived in many parishes including Foxrock the donation is for Mass Collections only, i.e. Support of the Clergy (Active and retired) and Share.

One of the Problems with the system is that up to now, tap n Go donations were anonymous which meant that donations could not be put into the Parish/Diocese Tax reclaim system.

BUT breaking news! Newtown Park Church is piloting the New Tap n Go machines. When you 'Tap' you get the opportunity to put in your personal details and then we can connect your contribution to your other donations and, if its' over €250 in the year the PARISH gets the Tax rebate of nearly another half. I love getting a few bob back from the Taxman (sorry Tax-person!)

It's the perfect weekend to start as it' is SHARE Sunday. There's a letter from Archbishop Farrell and the Annual Share Newsletter. It makes good reading.

Thanks for all the support of Mass collections, Dues, and Parish Maintenance (Family Offering).

Fr Philip PP (Ex Tax collector)


Monday - Saturday
10:00 am

9:30 am - 10:45 am - 12:00 noon


Co. Dublin

parishoffice@newtownparkparish.comRCN: 20016166 

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
+ 353 1 283 2988

Jesus said:  "If you want to be my disciple take up your cross every day and follow me."


Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts, but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom. John Paul II

Masks: We encourage you to wear a mask throughout the entirety of Mass.Communion: We encourage you to receive Communion in the hand. Leaving Mass: At the end of Mass... We will still have our staff on-hand to help seat you in a way that minimizes risk for COVID-19.


a DATE for our Diary

Click on the Calendar and / or Event for More Info

every Thursday

after 10 am mass

The Rosary is the 'weapon' for these times." -Saint Padre Pio - "Give me an army saying the Rosary and I will conquer the world." – 

first Friday of the Month

after 10 am mass till 12 noon

"let us raise our eyes to the heavens, let us set out to seek the Lord, let us bow our hearts in adoration."
Pope Francis 2024

Thursday Evening Course for Adults

Venue: DCU St. Patrick's Campus, (MDCCE), Drumcondra, Dublin, 9

every Wednesday

6.00 - 7.00pm 


"If you judge people you have no time to love them."- Mother Teresa


"(...) let yourselves be taken over by the light of Christ, and spread that light wherever you are." - St. John Paul II



The following video content is available on our Youtube Channel. Subscribe to our channel to be alerted when new content is added including live events such as Mass, community prayer, speakers and more. To view on your smart tv or streaming device, search for Newtownpark Church in the Youtube app.


Catholic education aims not only to communicate facts, but also to transmit a coherent, comprehensive vision of life, in the conviction that the truths contained in that vision liberate students in the most profound meaning of human freedom. John Paul II


Churches remember Benedict XVI as a man committed to ecumenism



now open daily 

2 Messages

Pope Francis, on Friday, sends a video message to the Irish faithful as the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock is elevated to the status of an International Sanctuary of Special Eucharistic and Marian Devotion

Message from Archbishop Dermot Farrell to the parents of children due to receive the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation this year.



Recently deceased -

Leonard Healy, Elizabeth Thomas, Fr David Young OFM, Clementina E. Johnson. 

Month's Mind - 

We remember all those whose anniversary occur at this time -

Margaret Kelly, Eileen, Peter, Carl, & Niall McLaughlin, Gerry Hannelly, Ann Hyland, Declan Lawlor, Stella O'Reilly, Thomas & Mary McQuaid, Aine Gough, Roddy Fitzpatrick


Monday - Thursday      10:00 am - 1:00 pm     Tel.:  + 353 1 283 2988    email: