I can hardly believe that I was installed in Newtown Park and Foxrock Parishes 4 months ago!! And therefore, I'm giving super-advance notice of a training session to take place in Newtownpark Church on 13th Feb next year, it's ONLY 3 months away.
Every volunteer, employee and priest MUST do an evening's training. Lots of people will remember the huge hassle of Garda Vetting. This has all changed, only those with direct access to Minors must be Garda vetted. It usually works out at 8 or 9 people in the whole parish.
But that doesn't let other people off their Safeguarding responsibilities. Safeguarding whether for Children or Vulnerable adults is the responsibility of everyone. The training keeps us all up to speed.
Each parish in the Diocese must have at least one Safeguarding representative. Ideally there would be two in each Parish. Safeguarding is a permanent item on the Agenda of the Pastoral Council. Often the Rep gives his/her report at the start of the meeting and head off.
If there are two reps, then they can go to every alternative meeting. The Reps are trained, and their jobs are to ensure that the information about Safeguarding is in the Church and Parish Centre notice boards, to keep an eye on who is vetted, and who is due for training, and ensure that the Sacristy Register is completed.
So please put the date in your diary, More info later.
Fr Philp PP (Safe as houses!!))